5 Tips on Writing Compelling Posts on Social Media for Nonprofits

Raul Tiru
5 min readMay 22, 2021

Do you want to get the best results out of your Nonprofit Social Media Posts? Check out these 5 tips on writing compelling updates.

Once in a while, we come across a fundraising appeal that tugs tightly at our heartstrings. It could be a GlobalOwls campaign for homeless people or a “Feed the Hungry” Facebook ad. Regardless of the form these fundraisers take, there’s always something special that compels you to whip out your credit card and donate your widow’s mite.

If your nonprofit is still trying to navigate the murky waters of social media, you’ll admit that it can be difficult to write content for these platforms. For starters, you have to battle for social media visibility and reach. Even when you succeed at reaching your target audience, you have only a few seconds to grab their attention and hold it before they scroll down their newsfeed.

For many nonprofits, hiring a college essay writing service helps to lessen the burden of content writing and curation. However, if you’re working with a tight budget, this may not be a viable option. Thus, it’s important to get acquainted with the intricacies of content creation.

In this article, we will discuss the best tips on writing compelling social media posts for your nonprofit organization.

How to Write Engaging Social Media Posts for Your Nonprofit Organization

If you’re trying to write posts that will have your target audience reaching for their handkerchiefs and wallets at the same time, here are a few tips to guide you:

Share personal stories

When it comes to running Instagram or Facebook ads for nonprofits, it’s not enough to create detached content about the cause. For instance, if you run a nonprofit for SGBV victims, creating a bland post on the dangers of domestic violence may have an extremely underwhelming effect on your target audience. You’d only have them sighing in sympathy and then moving on to the next post. Instead, ensure that every post is personalized in order to make them more relatable to your audience.

Whether you’re creating videos or textual content, it’s important to create and place characters in your content. According to Twitter research, videos that have people in the first couple of frames have higher retention than other videos. Thus, it’s important to share the stories that matter, especially if you’re looking to garner a reaction from your audience.

Read posts from other nonprofits

Fundraising can be a chore for many nonprofit organizations, especially when you have to create posts with strong CTAs. If you aren’t sure how to do this, reading sample fundraising Facebook posts is a great way to start.

You could check out other nonprofits to see how they created their fundraising posts for social media. However, it’s important to avoid plagiarism at all costs. Don’t steal or copy content from your competitors. Instead, draw inspiration from them and go on to create content in your own words.

Always use a strong headline

Whether you’re creating a Facebook or LinkedIn nonprofit post, your headline can either make or break your content. Research and experience have shown that a catchy headline can significantly improve your CTR and interaction with your audience. But how do you create a powerful headline and run with it?

Well, it’s quite simple. Make your headline like an appetizer — an appealing treat that keeps your audience longing for more. To achieve this, you could use clickbait or stories that appeal to human emotions. For instance, instead of writing a basic headline like: “Help us save victims of domestic violence“, go for a more catchy headline. You could say something like: ” Angela survived domestic violence. With your help, other women can too“.

Create a series

Sometimes, one Facebook post isn’t enough to compel your audience to take a specific action. You need several of them. If you’re trying to make a cause sound more compelling to an audience, you could create a series of social media posts about it. Each post should cover one aspect or section of the cause and should be engaging enough to keep readers/viewers hooked. For instance, if you’re pursuing a “Feed the Hungry” campaign, you could create a post displaying the percentage of hungry children in specific regions. Subsequent posts should then show how your organization has helped to combat hunger and the steps you need to take to eradicate it completely.

One brand that has successfully hacked this Facebook social good strategy is Humans of New York. Founded by Brandon Stanton, this brand shares personal stories of New Yorkers in evoking series.

Use statistics like a hammer: go hard with it

Statistics help to authenticate your content and make it more credible. As such, when creating social media content for your nonprofit, back it up with solid facts and figures. However, you don’t want to bore your audience with lines of figures. About two or three figures can do the trick for a lengthy Facebook post.


We hope this article has been useful in guiding you through the process of creating compelling social media content for your nonprofit. Regardless of the strategy you choose to employ, always remember that empathy should drive your content. This way, you can compel your audience to play their part in making a difference.

Author’s Bio

Amanda Dudley is a seasoned lecturer and writer with a Ph.D. in History from Stanford University. As a part-time essay writer at EssayUSA, she is committed to churning out excellent essays and academic papers for students who may be struggling with their performance.

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Originally published at https://globalowls.com on May 22, 2021.



Raul Tiru

Co-founder https://StoryLab.ai, Founder https://GlobalOwls.com. Let’s create memorable content. #ContentCreation, #ContentMarketing, #Nonprofit